Sunday, 21 February 2016

Day 11 - Helping Refugees - Part 2

Day 11: 21st February 2016

Helping Refugees - Part 2

Hello there - so yesterday we were talking about refugees. Lots of refugees are fleeing war in Syria and other parts of the world because it is too dangerous to stay in their home country. We have been looking at videos of refugees coming to Europe and what happens in the camps when they get here. We have also been reading about some of the things that people are doing to try to help them and some of the things that people in parliament are saying.

It seems that lots of people don't want to help them, which is very sad. There are people saying that they are all bad people and we shouldn't help them. We have been working on not stereotyping people at school and I don't think it is fair to start saying all the people who are refugees are bad. There are selfish people everywhere and criminals in every country. There will be some refugees who are not very nice people but there are lots of not very nice people who were born in this country and it doesn't have anything to do with where they are from. If people start calling people bad based on where they have come from, they are being racist.

I saw on the videos that there were plenty of children who need help. There are families who are getting spilt up and life is very hard for them. The politicians in power don't seem to be doing enough to help these people. I listened a bit to what was being said in parliament. I don't understand everything but I didn't like the way the Prime Mininster was talking about these people, as if they hadn't suffered and been through a lot to come from a war.

I do understand that it would be very difficult to have all the refugees come to this country. But it doesn't seem that the leaders are working quickly enough to help families. They need to come up with a way that the refugees can go to each of the countries in a way that is fair but they also have to make sure that families and children are not split up and looked after properly.

We're putting some links underneath the blog where you can donate money or find out more information about the things you can send.

You can also look for local groups in your area who help refugees.

Like my sister mentioned in the video (GO ERIN!!!!) there are petitions and letters you can sign which will tell the politicans that they need to do more.

Thanks for reading our blog. I've learned a lot about refugees this weekend from reading and watching videos. I think if more people found out about what was going on they might not be so angry at refugees and want to help too.

Love Amelie and Erin ;)

Info (Scottish Links at top since we are in Scotland)

Scottish Refugee Council

Scotland-Supporting-Refugees Facebook page

Refugees Welcome

Sign the Open Letter to David Cameron

(or here...)


Save the Children

OXFAM Appeal


There are lots of other organisations too. These are just a few and you can search online to find local groups who are working in your area.

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